There are three long holidays in Japan.They are the new year holidays,Golden week,and the Bon holidays.Needless to say,whether we can have days off or not depends on the job we have.
But basically,most people can have days off during these time.
In my case,during this time,in addition I worked at restaurant,I had to work as a buddist monk.
Because My family's job is a buddist monk.And it has been taken over from generation to generation since long time ago.
Today, let me introduce our job during Obon.
First we visit patron's house.and then,we chant Buddhist invocation in front of patron's home alter, in order to hold a memorial service for takes about 10 minutes.After chanting, we can receive a donation.Basically it is put on the desk in front of alter.
In our region's case,1000 yen per one patron is the average.But It apparently depends on a region.seeing from general average,our region is quite low.
But of course,It doesn't matter the price of donation.The important thing is an thankful heart.
On the other hand,There is a reality that we can't continue to work as a Buddhist monk because of lacking funds.In my house's case,we can't make our living from only this job.That's why my father has two jobs,As a monk and social worker.
I also have to think about my style of working.
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