It's one of my hobbies to ride on motorcycle.
However,because I've thought travel abroad as a priority,I haven't ridden on motorcycle for a long time.(to save money.because It cost me a lot,if I travel by motorcycle.)
But as I've done what I've long wanted to do.(back packer)I came to think I want to ride on motorcycle again.
But unfortunately as I haven't ridden on it for ages,the battery of my motorcycle died.
So I needed to replace the battery to ride on it.After looking for a battery through the Internet,I found cheap one with good quality.
I had decided to buy it.And It was delivered yesterday.It meant everything was ready.
Today was day off for me.So I tried to replace batteries.Process of changing batteries is very easy.I think whoever can do it with a screwdriver.
In my motorcycle's case,there is a battery under seat.So first thing I should do is removing seat.And next is taking cables off a battery loaded onto motorcycle.And then,after removing all cables connected with motorcycle,we unload an old battery.
After this,we do reverse process.
That's all.It took me just 15 minutes.
Now,I can ride on my motorcycle whenever I want.
It's very exciting.It stimulates my spirit of adventure as well.
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