I took the practical English Proficiency test yesterday.My impression of the exam wasn't good.
However,I know what's the reason.
When we try to take the exam,first thing we should do is to know the exam such as how much time it is,what is the trend of it.We have to know what kind of exam it is before taking it.
And then,we should make the strategy for it.and also practice for it.
But I skipped all steps of it like what I wrote above.Since I applied for it,I haven't done any training for it.
Because it is said if you have over 800 score of TOEIC,It's easy to pass it.
But there was a reality that we can't achieve whatever without effort.
shamefully I was overconfident.I realized that I had to be humble whatever situation I am in.
I know I am awkward.
and also know the thing covering awkward part is effort.
It was good opportunity to rethink of that.
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