I have a lot of Korean friends I made in the Philippines and Australia .And they all are my precious friends.
Actually,I wasn't interested in Korea until I met them.But when I first met them,I was really impressed by their nationality.
And also,for some reason,being with Korean friends was so comfortable for me.
My Korean friends said'' you look like a Korean not Japanese.''hearing this,I came to think I might be Korean.
when I went to Korea,their family and they gave a red carpet treatment for me.I was really happy to receive such a treatment.However,when I left Korea,I wanted to tell them my appreciation by Korean language,though,I couldn't do it.
This experience encourage me to learn Korean.
Since I came back to Japan,I have wanted to learn it.Daily busyness like preparing for teacher's exam,doing household chores,working,getting credit of university to graduate and so on have been prevented me from learning it.
But now I've passed all subject of university,in addition,my sister moved back into our home to help us.So I can have a little time to study Korean language.So I will study it little by little.
I've heard from Korean friends that they could learn Japanese in High school and university if they liked it.
So,in Japan also,I'm expecting to have the same situation as Korea in the future.
Besides that.I think we need to help each other and make something together to be better countries.
Anyway,I will enjoy learning to Korean language.
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