
A shooting star☆

tomorrow, August 12,we can see many shooting star☆

I am looking forward to seeing them every year.

It's the perseids.

I will keep awake until midnight,and I am going to see them.

but I'm worried about weather....

I hope it will be fine tomorrow^^

this is ''matsutake''.
It is a kind of mashroom.
It'a soooooooooooo expensive.
It cost 5000yen to buy it.
ummmm,good smell!!

2 件のコメント:

  1. So were you able to catch them?
    I wasn't able to see the meteor shower. It was too cloudy here :(

  2. yes.but It was cloudy here too.
    I tried to see them next day.and Icould catch two shooting stars.
    It was less than every year.
