
Teacher's exam☆

I've finished first term of teacher's exam.I need have prepared for the exam.It was obviously lack of study.I didn't have enough time to study......ah...It's miserable excuse.I often say ''make your time before you complain that there is no time.I have to punish myself.haha

If I passed the examination,the second exam is in the middle of the August.But The number of applicant will be got rid of by 60%.To be honest,It's going to be difficult to pass this term.And It is very common to pass the exam the third times or fourth times.But it is also true that few people pass the exam only one time.

anyway,I felt I need more practical experience that I can handle any problem which will happen at school.In order to get such experiences,It is necessary to teach at school,in fact.
Fortunately,Our prefecture has a system that we can work as a part time teacher even if we fail the exam.I should make use of this system and get experience.And I also felt that I have to study a major subject more.

This exam showed me what I need, what I have to do,what I think of while I am living.For this reason,I can say this exam was very beneficial for me.

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